彰濱秀傳紀念醫院 減重新陳代謝手術中心 主任
- C.-H. Lin, J.-C. Yu, T.-W. Chen, C.-H. Chuang, Y.-C. Tsai, S.-Y. Chen, and C.-B. Hsieh. The Experience of Biliary Tract Complications After Liver Transplantation. Transplant Proc. 2007 Dec;39(10):3251-6
- Shih-Yi Chen, Teng-Wei Chen, Shih-Hua Lin, Cheng-Jueng Chen, Jyh-Cherng Yu, and Chien-Hua Lin. (Corresponding author) Does previous abdominal surgery increase postoperative complication rates in continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis? Peritoneal Dialysis International, Vol. 27, pp. 557–559
- Chien-Hua Lin, Huan-Fa Hsieh, Jyh-Cherng Yu, Teng-Wei Chen, Chih-Yung Yu, Chung-Bao Hsieh. Peritoneal lavage with distilled water during liver resection in patients with spontaneously ruptured hepatocellular carcinomas. J Surg Oncol. 2006 Sep 1;94(3):255-6.
- Lin CH, Yu JC, Shin ML, Peng YJ, Hsieh CB. Littoral cell angioma of the spleen in a patient with hepatocellular carcinoma. J Formos Med Assoc. 2005 Apr;104(4):282-5.
- Lin CH, Chen TW, Chou SJ, Hsieh HF, Chu HC, Yu JC, Liu YC, Hsieh CB. Biliary Complications after Liver Transplantation. Chir Gastroenterol 2006;22:73-78
- Hsu SD, Hsieh HF, Chao SJ, Yu JC, Peng YJ, Lin CH, Liu YC. Hepatic Angiomyolipoma: A Rare Case Report and Review of the Literature. Chir Gastroenterol 2006;22:85-87
- Chen SY, Lin CH, Yu JC, Liu YC. Adenosquamous Carcinoma of the Common Bile Duct with Choledochoduodenal Fistula. Chir Gastroenterol 2006;22:88-91
- Chuang CH, Chou SJ, Yu JC, Chang TM, Gao HW, Chao PC, Lin CH, Hsieh CB. Inflammatory Pseudotumor of the Liver following Streptococcus bovis Liver Abscess and Occult Colonic Cancer Chir Gastroenterol 2006;22:95-97
- Hsieh HF, Lin CH, Hsu SD, Peng YJ, Chan DC, Chuang CH, Yu JC. Adult Hirschsprung Disease: A Case Report Chir Gastroenterol 2006;22:98-100
- Chen SY, Yu JC, Yu CP, Yu CY, Lin CH, Liu YC. Salmonella Splenic Abscess as an Unusual Complication of Acute Gastroenteritis Chir Gastroenterol 2006;22:201-203
- Chou SJ, Lin CH, Hsieh HF, Yu JC, Chen TW, Chan DC. Gum Chewing in Patients with Subtotal Gastrectomy Chir Gastroenterol 2006;22:269-271
- Lin CH, Chu HC, Hsieh HF, Jin JS, Yu JC, Cheng MF, Hsu SD, Chan DC. Xanthogranulomatous panniculitis after spillage of gallstones during laparoscopic cholecystectomy mimics intra-abdominal malignancy. Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Tech. 2006 Aug;16(4):248-50.
- Lin CH, Hsieh HF, Chou SJ, Yu JC, Chen TW, Hsieh CB. Ruptured caudate lobe hepatocellular carcinoma presents with lesser sac tumor. Rev Esp Enferm Dig. 2006 Sep;98(9):703-704
- Chen SY, Lin CH, Yu JC, Chan DC. Pancreatic adenocarcinoma mimicking intraductal papillary mucinous tumor (IPMT). Rev Esp Enferm Dig. 2006 Sep;98(9):702-703
- Lin CH, Hsieh HF, Yu JC, Hsu SD, Chuag CH, Hsieh CB. Gastrointestinal: Leptospirosis and abdominal pain. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2006 Nov;21(11):1755.
- Lin CH, Hsieh HF, Yu JC, Hsu SD, Chen CW, Liao GS, Hsieh CB. Spontaneous rupture of a large exogastric hemangioma complicated by hemoperitoneum and sepsis. J Formos Med Assoc. 2006 Dec;105(12):1027-30.
- Chen SY, Lin CH, Chang HF, Yu JC, Yu CY, Chang FY, Hsieh CB. Hepatobiliary and pancreatic: Gas-forming pyogenic liver abscess. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2007 Jan;22(1):133.
- Lin CH, Chou SJ, Wu HS, Yu JC, Shih ML. Gastrointestinal: retroperitoneal abscess caused by appendicitis. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2007 Feb;22(2):278.
- Lin CH, Liu CT, Hsieh HF, Wu HS, Yu JC, Chuang CH Pneumatosis intestinalis and hepatic-portal-mesenteric venous gas in intestinal ischemia. Rev Esp Enferm Dig.
- Lin CH, Liu CT, Yu JC, Chan DC Gastrointestinal: the bleeding GIST. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2007
- Chang HM, Hsieh HF, Hsu SD, Liao GS, Lin CH, CB Hsieh. Guidewire assisted cephalic vein cutdown for insertion of totally implantable access ports. J Surg Oncol. 2007 Jan;95:156-7.
- Chen SY, Lin CH, Chang HM, Hsu HM, Yu JC. A safe and effective method to implant a totally implantable access port in patients with synchronous bilateral mastectomies: modified femoral vein approach. J Surg Oncol. 2008 Sep 1;98(3):197-9.
- Lin CH, Wu HS, Chan DC, Hsieh CB, Huang MH, Yu JC. The mechanisms of failure of totally implantable central venous access system: Analysis of 73 cases with fracture of catheter. EJSO 2010 36(1):100-3
- Lin CH, Ou JJ, Lee YT, Wu HS. Acute Appendicitis Following Appendectomy. Viszeralmedizine 2013;29(3):187-189
- Lin, CH, Yu JC, Lee YT, Wu HS. Conversion From Cephalic Vein to External Jugular Vein: Success Rate Increased on Totally Implantable Access Ports With Cut-down Method. 2013 Dec;20(6):566-9
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